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Payment Plans

The goal of assessment collections is to encourage delinquent homeowners to cure the delinquencies and pay their ongoing monthly assessments on time and in full.  Many homeowners want to catch up on their payments and avoid compounding their difficulties by compelling costly collection efforts by the association (for which the homeowners ultimately become responsible to pay).

Moreover, the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act encourages homeowners and associations to reach agreement for the payment of delinquent assessments before the collection process becomes out of control in terms of costs and in terms of burden on the parties.  At Kriger & Schuber, APC the firm offers payment plans with client authorization which provide for the payment of delinquencies in full or the payment of compromise amounts, taking into account the stage in the process at which the payment plan becomes effective and specific provisions necessary to protect the association in the event the homeowner defaults under the payment plan.


Kriger & Schuber is committed to answering your questions about Community Association General Counsel, Governing Document Revisions, Alternative Dispute Resolution, CC & R Enforcement Litigation, and Common Interest Development law issues in California.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
