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Contracts Can Be Tricky Business

Posted by Joel Kriger | Jun 25, 2013

Contracts can often be tricky business, and it is wise to allow the attorneys at Kriger Law Firm take a look at them before an Association enters into a contractual relationship that ends up being unsavory. Recently, a client of ours was undertaking to perform a construction project and hiring a project manager for oversight. Review of the contract turned up an incredibly unfair indemnity clause that would hold the Association liable for any negligence or recklessness by the project manager or his employees. Further, the clause also stated that if the Association sued the project manager for damage he or his employees caused, the Association would be responsible for his attorneys' fees! This is unacceptable language that may not have been spotted without an attorney's experience and knowledge. Our advice: Don't sign before we have a look.

About the Author

Joel Kriger

Founder / Of Counsel Practice Areas: Community Association Counsel Joel M. Kriger is the founder of Kriger & Schuber, APC. A native of Pennsylvania, Joel graduated from Temple University in 1970 and moved to San Diego to attend the University of San Diego School of Law, from which he graduated in 1973. Joel maintai...


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