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New Legislation for the Remodel of Swimming Pools

Posted by Garrett Wait | Apr 05, 2013

Southern California summers are perfect for lounging around by the swimming pool, soaking in the sun's rays. In anticipation of more great swimming seasons, many associations will be taking some time to upgrade their pool facilities in the next few years. These associations need to be aware of Assembly Bill 2114 which has enacted new requirements for those associations looking to remodel their existing swimming pool.

 All pools and spas undergoing updates or modifications will be required to have new anti-entrapment covers placed over the suction outlets that meet ASTM or ASME standards. These outlets must be upgraded with an anti-entrapment cover meeting standards that are accredited by the American National Standards Institute and published by the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals.

 Furthermore, pool recirculation is addressed in AB 2114. The new law states that for any pool that has a suction outlet in any location other than the bottom of the pool, the recirculation system must be able to complete a full turnover of pool water as follows: 

  • ½ hour for spas and hot tubs
  • 1 hour for wading pools
  • 6 hours or less for all other types of public pools

The new law is designed to keep residents, especially children who are often enamored with pool drains, safe throughout the swimming season. Associations with any concerns about their pool modifications should consult with their swimming pool contractor to perform a compliance check to ensure that the new laws are being followed.

About the Author

Garrett Wait

Senior Associate Practice Areas: Community Association Counsel Civil Litigation Garrett Wait is a Senior Associate with Kriger & Schuber, APC where he provides both general counsel and litigation services to community associations. Early in his career, Garrett spent five years at Kriger & Schuber, APC, gui...


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